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One Planet One Power Grid

The most technically in-depth review of grid transformation projects world-wide

Upcoming Event:

SGT25 (Smart Grid Technical Forum)

18-20 March 2025 | The Netherlands

3-day Conference, Exhibition, Awards, and Networking Forum

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Platinum Sponsor:

1. Platinum - Fortinet.png

Welcome to SGT25

The 6th annual SGT25 promises to be bigger, better, more utility-driven, more technically in-depth, more collaborative, than ever before.

As demand for renewables integration intensifies, utility technical teams and their senior management must collaborate and cooperate more effectively to make the right technology choices within the right timeline and mobilise the right grid transformation projects, to help meet climate goals.

To review the participation options

Conference Programme

Tuesday 18th March 2025
Utility Senior Management Briefing, Exhibition & Awards
During this one-day briefing a series of utility panel discussions explore the macro pressures facing the sector and identify new ways for utility senior management to work with their technical teams, the supplier community, regulatory authorities, and other utilities on a regional level. The day concludes with an evening Awards Ceremony recognising innovation excellence within the utility sector.

Wednesday 19th & Thursday 20th March 2025
Utility Technical Case-Study Conference, Exhibition & Roundtables
This two-day technical case-study programme involves 6 parallel conference tracks showcasing the best of utility grid transformation projects in the areas of:

✓ Substations & IEC 61850

✓ SCADA Systems & IEC CIM

✓ Cybersecurity & IEC 62443

✓ Smart Metering

✓ Asset Management

✓ Big Data


The adjoining Exhibition provides a display of the most leading edge products and services available on the market. The day concludes with a series of intimate roundtable discussions enabling peer-to-peer brainstorming and networking.

Solution Zone

The adjoining exhibition area provides a display of 50+ suppliers of digital grid products and services with technical representatives available throughout the three-day event to discuss your grid transformation needs.

Suppliers may join the Solution Zone in the following capacities:

  • Conference Sponsor: at Platinum, Gold or Silver level, with the opportunity to speak on the conference programme, exhibit in the solution zone, arrange meetings via the Event App, participate in all conference sessions, the Awards Ceremony, the technical roundtable discussions, and join Forum365 for year-round networking.


  • Live Demo Sponsor: hold pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings in a private meeting room, arrange further meetings via the Event App, participate in all conference sessions, the Awards Ceremony, the technical roundtable discussions, and join Forum365 for year-round networking.


  • Exhibitor: exhibit in the solution zone, arrange meetings via the Event App, participate in all conference sessions, the Awards Ceremony, the technical roundtable discussions, and join Forum365 for year-round networking.

Awards Ceremony

The inaugural SGT25 Awards Ceremony takes place the evening of Tuesday 18th March 2025, in recognition of grid innovation excellence within the utility sector.

Award categories mirror the technical conference tracks: Substations & IEC 61850, SCADA Systems & IEC CIM, Cybersecurity & IEC 62443, Smart Metering, Asset Management, Big Data.

Awards Submission Deadline: Friday 31st January 2025

Customer Testimonials

“A great vendor agnostic conference focused on utility experiences.”

Loïc Rebours, IT Engineer - Enedis

“Yet another great conference with very good presentations on actual utility projects and lessons learned, good discussions and great networking opportunity.”
Bas Kruimer, Business Director Digital Grid Ops - DNV Energy Systems

“I thoroughly enjoyed this conference and learnt a lot from every talk which I will be using to influence the business I work in.”

Harshil Sumaria, Power Systems and Data Analytics Engineer - UK Power Networks

"Definitely essential for every TSO to get the latest CIM information and talk about solutions."
Robert Franke, Data Architect - 50Hertz

"This Conference has helped us stay up to date and review new options for making a smart grid more efficient and speed the electrification transition."

Rafael San Juan, IT Innovation & Digital Platforms - Iberdrola

“In my opinion this is the best industrial conference about smart grid and IEC 61850.”
Andrea Bonetti, Senior Specialist - Megger

"The combination of presentations related for smart grids and machine learning analytics is probably the most relevant for any data scientist within the grid utilities."

Tobias Haumann, Data Scientist - Agder Energi Nett

“Great opportunity to go over different projects, aspects and approaches applied in different AMI projects.”
Darius Žebrauskas, Smart Metering Infrastructure Expert - ESO

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Live Demo Lab Sponsors:




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